Activity training in Italy 25 october 2023 – Liceo Scientifico “G. Galilei“ – Potenza
To test the outputs of the ARES project, Basilicata Press created, free of charge, between 14 and 25 October, a route of n. 16 hours dedicated to podcasting with 38 students from two IV classes of the “Galileo Galilei” State Scientific High School in Potenza.
The activity was part of the PCTO (projects for the acquisition of transversal skills and orientation) of the high school, which found the creation of podcasts extremely interesting as a tool capable of enabling students to acquire a series of skills – soft and hard – useful for raise their employability threshold.
The activities were carried out using the methodology of constructive journalism, useful for framing problems, studying good practices for their resolution and indicating solutions, from a problem solving perspective.
On 25 October (4 hours, 9.00-13.00, in the Aula Magna of the Institute), there was:
– the return and critical listening of the demos
– practical training to create podcasts, in Italian and English, starting from a problem and arriving at its solution, through the methodology of constructive journalism. The students were divided into teams and worked in groups
– The creation of the playlist and the written track of the podcasts, starting from the themes of the UN 2030 Agenda
– The voiceover
– Audio editing, using the open source program Audacity
The podcasts produced were uploaded to Ivoox and the Ares website and are part of the collection of 100 podcasts produced
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