ARES – A Radio for Employability Skills” project (approved under the Erasmus+ KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education program as action n. 2022-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000081472) by Italian National Agency INDIRE, aims to focus its attention about podcast (and podcasting) as non formal learning training.

Educators and young adults, through podcast, can explore current events and the changes taking place, improving expressiveness and communication, acquiring a series of transversal skills including critical thinking, sense of collaboration, creativity, entrepreneurship, and techniques (including research of sources, organization of information, content structuring, intelligent use of technologies and software, use of the voice, public speaking, editing) with the aim of acquiring and training some of the skills required by the job market.

The planning process involves the creation of a video guide for educators interested in acquiring and bringing this non-formal learning methodology into their own organizations, and an online course for young adults (up to 30 years of age), so that they can grasp and share the sense of the project idea and are immediately operational for the creation and production of podcasts.

The challenge of work has shifted the focus to the theme of employability, which means continually working on oneself and one’s skills to remain attractive to a market that is constantly changing. To tune in to these changes – which are often frightening – young people must feel like protagonists and no longer just spectators of the present and the future: hence the idea of making them discover the opportunities that exist at a European, national and local level, to be given back in the form of podcasts, with non-formal learning that will help engage, motivate and stimulate their action. In addition, ARES will make it possible to work on technical skills that are in great demand in the world of work, especially in the field of communication and content creation, with the aim of raising the employability threshold of the participating volunteers.